
Cheap Trick Song Lesson Playlist When it comes to artists, including performers, mainstream success is almost always a hopeful goal. But sometimes, a musical artist’s fanbase goes…

Guitar Practice: Touch and Tone

Touch and Tone The best compliment I ever got on my tone was from the producer on a recording session. He said, “you’re the only guy I know who can make a Gibson sound like a Fender”.  He…


5 Classic Christmas Songs Guitar Lessons Whether you are a Christian or not, the festivities surrounding Christmas probably have an influence on your life every December. It is an essential…


How to Play Guitar Like Jeff Beck Named as one of the top 5 guitar players in rock history by Rolling Stone, Jeff Beck is a musical wonder of the world. Often referred to as a…

Eagles Song Lesson Playlist Everyone’s got their own favorite band they love, and there are plenty of rock bands that have won the hearts of many worldwide. Few, however, have or will…

Bad Company Song Lesson Playlist In the world of music, every once in a while, previously acclaimed musicians get together to write and perform music. When they form a band, we call this a…

Triads and Melody

Guitar Practice: Triads and Melody Triads are chords in their simplest form. You might think that the “box” forms you learned early on are the simplest ones, but any major or minor chord…

Elvis Presley Song Lesson Playlist It would be tough to talk about popular music, notably rock ‘n’ roll, without mentioning one of the most important musical figures of the 20th…

The Runaways Song Lesson Playlist There’s no denying that the 1970s were all about rock ‘n’ roll. Though the genre was largely dominated by male musicians, there were a…

Guitar Practice: Conscious Repetition

Guitar Practice: Conscious Repetition “Don’t practice till you get it right, practice till you can’t get it wrong”. It’s well-intentioned advice, but it might give you an incomplete…