Guitar Life
3 Famous Country Guitar Riffs You Should Know
3 Famous Country Guitar Riffs You Should Know It’s September 2022 and we, at JamPlay, are putting a special emphasis on learning country music. One of the most fun ways to start…
Fretboard Woods: Which Type is Best?
Fretboard Woods: Which Type is Best? If you’re reading this, you probably own a guitar or two. Go pick up your favorite one, and make an observation: what does the fretboard look…
4 Best Rock Guitar Players Ever
4 Best Rock Guitar Players Ever Did you know that the term “Rock and Roll” originally referred to 17th century sailboats braving turbulent waters? Or that it transformed into a…
5 Iconic Bass Guitars You Should Know
5 Iconic Bass Guitars You Should Know In life, sometimes the loftiest goals are achieved by those who establish strong foundations. For instance, if you dreamed of building the tallest…