dave isaacs

Guitar Resolutions for the New Year

Guitar Resolutions for the New Year Make this the year your resolutions lead to some musical resolution. In this age of the internet guitar multiverse, you could easily see more lesson…

Guitar Practice: Touch and Tone

Touch and Tone The best compliment I ever got on my tone was from the producer on a recording session. He said, “you’re the only guy I know who can make a Gibson sound like a Fender”.  He…

Triads and Melody

Guitar Practice: Triads and Melody Triads are chords in their simplest form. You might think that the “box” forms you learned early on are the simplest ones, but any major or minor chord…

Guitar Practice: Conscious Repetition

Guitar Practice: Conscious Repetition “Don’t practice till you get it right, practice till you can’t get it wrong”. It’s well-intentioned advice, but it might give you an incomplete…

Another Way to Think About Guitar Modes

Another Way to Think About Guitar Modes Guitarists spend a lot of time talking about modes. Learning modes usually starts with a list of scale fingerings, and for a lot of people it never…

Navigating The Grid

Navigating The Grid The guitar neck is a grid. It’s the only instrument that offers so many ways to get to the same place. It’s a little like getting around Manhattan. Even a…

Power Chords - Featured

Get More Power From Your Power Chords!

Get More Power From Your Power Chords! Power chords are part of the backbone of rock guitar. Tony Iommi’s epic, lumbering sludge on “Iron Man,” and Ritchie Blackmore’s iconic grind on…

strumming a guitar

Better Strumming: Don't Count, Feel Strumming is a topic that doesn’t get nearly enough attention, given how many people struggle with it. Seems simple enough: swing the arm and hit the…