
G.E. Smith Guitar Lessons - JamPlay + TrueFire

As a guitar player, you may dream of being the frontman, basking in the spotlight with your solos and riffs. However, the role of a sideman in a band is equally, if not more, crucial. The sideman…

Slide Guitar Lessons - TrueFire

The Soulful Slide: Exploring the Influence of Slide Guitar in Country Music

Country music, with its roots deeply embedded in the American landscape, has a unique ability to capture the essence of life's highs and lows. One of the most distinctive and soul-stirring elements…

Bluegrass Lessons - JamPlay + TrueFire

Bluegrass jams are a storied tradition where guitarists, banjo pickers, fiddle players, and vocalists gather to share tunes, stories, and the joy of music. These sessions are communal, energetic, and…

Monster Mike Welch Guitar Lessons - JamPlay + TrueFire

One of the most effective paths to developing your own musical identity is by first learning to play like your guitar heroes. This journey of emulation, exploration, and eventual innovation is a…

Christmas Guitar Songs - JamPlay + TrueFire

The holiday season is synonymous with music, and what better way to celebrate than by strumming along to classic Christmas tunes on your guitar? If you're a beginner or simply looking for a…

JamPlay + TrueFire - Blues Guitar Lessons

In the vast landscape of music, the blues genre stands as a cornerstone, its roots deeply embedded in the soulful expressions of emotion and the raw power of the guitar. As we traverse the modern…

JamPlay + TrueFire - Christmas Gifts - Guitar Lessons

This holiday season, consider a gift that harmonizes the joy of learning with the convenience of online education. Gifting guitar lessons from JamPlay and TrueFire is a powerful combination that…

Guitar Lessons - JamPlay + TrueFire

As the Thanksgiving feast dust settles and you find yourself contemplating the life choices that led to that third slice of pumpkin pie, there's no better way to digest than with some laid-back…

Acoustic Guitar Lessons - JamPlay + TrueFire

As we age, it becomes increasingly important to find activities that not only bring joy but also contribute to our overall well-being. Playing a musical instrument has long been recognized as a…


JamPlay's 4th Of July Giveaway

JamPlay's 2023 4th Of July GIVEAWAY Win a Fender Player Series Jaguar Guitar! It’s that time of year again! Citizens nationwide gather, feast, and celebrate to honor the United States’…