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Music Theory for New Guitarists

When you’re beginning to learn how to play guitar, it’s a good idea to get a basic grasp of music theory. You don’t have to know everything to be a good player, but knowing some will help you to make more informed choices of the notes and chords you play.

5 Goals to Set as a New Guitarist Part 2: Understanding the Difference Between Chords and Chord Shapes

On the surface, the distinction between chords and chord shapes might not seem that important...

5 Goals to Set as an Aspiring Guitarist Part 1

There’s no standard user manual for learning guitar. How you want to approach the instrument, how you

4 Pitfalls to Avoid When Learning Guitar

Learning how to play the guitar is a blast! Everything is a mystery and every…

1 Comment5 Minutes

These Might Just Be The Best 10 Tips For Guitar Players Ever

As a guitar teacher I hear lots of excuses, including the time-worn “I don’t have the talent.” Talent, schmalent. While we can’t all be Hendrix, you can get pretty darn close if you follow these basic guidelines.

0 Comments11 Minutes

Barre Chords Unlock 1000s of Songs on Guitar

Quick! Play a G sharp chord. I’ll wait … It’s easy to come up with a G chord…

0 Comments3 Minutes

Are You Making These Guitar Practice Mistakes?

Have you ever gone to play something on guitar that you could play a few days ago but it sounds like complete crap now? … like you can’t even play guitar...

3 Ways to Effortlessly Transition Chords: Guitar 101

In order to effortlessly transition chords you need to do 3 things. In this JamPlay lesson, Orville Johnson helps beginners with one of the biggest challenges: changes from one chord to another [ video included ].


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