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6 Famous Guitar Pedals You Should Know

Though many stomp boxes have found their fame, a few have made more 'noise' than others. Here are 6 famous guitar pedals you should know!

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4 Best Electric Blues Guitar Players Ever

Chuck Berry, Albert King, Jimi Hendrix, and Stevie Ray Vaughan are four of the best electric blues guitar players of all time...

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Holiday Giveaway: Win This HUGE Bundle of Guitar Gear

This giveaway ended on January 2, 2022. Congrats to the winner of the whole gear bundle valued at $2,600+!

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Learn Guitar from the Best: A JamPlay Commercial

If you’re gonna learn guitar, why not learn from the best? The best players and the best instructors.

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Giveaway: Win a Fender Jazzmaster in Pacific Peach and VOX AC30

This giveaway ended on December 2, 2021. Congrats to the winner of the Fender Jazzmaster and VOX AC30!

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From the Vault: Guitarist Toolkits Streaming

JamPlay Membership Update: From now until the end of the year, we will announce one Guitarist Toolkit each week for FULL STREAMING access.

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Diminished Arpeggios on Guitar with Mark Kroos

In this lesson, Mark Kroos shows you how to use fully diminished arpeggios to solo over the 12-bar blues.

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Learn to Solo Over the 12-Bar Blues Form [New Course]

In this new JamPlay course with Mark Kroos, we are spicing up the way that you solo over the 12-bar blues form.

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Jazz Guitar Chords with Marcelo

In this lesson, you will explore Jazz guitar chords and chord shells — a quick and easy way to maneuver through jazz chord progressions.

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Learn to Play Jazz Rhythm Guitar [New Course]

In this course, Marcelo teaches the core skills needed for a solid foundation in Jazz rhythm guitar and Jazz guitar improvisation.

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economy picking exercise guitar lesson

Economy Picking Exercises with Trevor Gordon Hall

In this lesson from the Melodic Picking Practice Plan, you will explore hammer-ons and pull-offs and you will learn a simple economy picking exercises.

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Melodic Picking Practice Plan [New Course]

In this JamPlay course, students will explore right-hand exercises through melodic lead playing and getting the right and left hand to work together.

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